Government claims dubious credit for record sales
The good news is that June vehicle sales reached a record high, with a 36.3 percent increase on May sales, and the third biggest sales month in the history of Australian auto sales.
Industry Minister Kim Carr ( what an appropriate surname) stated that the Australian car market was performing better than those in North America, Europe and Japan, and claimed that this was due to ‘the carefully targeted investment packages’.
'Cash for Clunkers' underway
The controversial ‘Cash For Clunkers’ scheme has been signed off by President Obama in the USA.
Under this scheme the US Government will help buyers pay for a more fuel efficient car or truck if they trade in a less fuel efficient vehicle.
Choice Denied In Petrol Pump Rip Off
The NSW Government has now legislated to rip off the motorist.
Private Fleet has already shown that E10 unleaded fuel costs more, not less, to run.