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Selling your car concierge-style…

If you’re buying a new car, you know where to go.  In fact you’re already here – drop a request on Private Fleet and the expert consultants will do the rest for you, pain-free, stress-free and at the best financial result.

However when it comes to just selling a car, there’s the age old dilemma – should you sell it privately to eventually maximise your financial return or sell it to the trade (wholesale) to minimise the hassle.

If you have a prestige car and are located on the East coast of Australia, there’s now a third option that we highly recommend checking out.

Summon are a new concierge-style prestige car selling service.  They take away all the hassle and put your car out to the public market to maximise your return.  But not only that, they’ll likely do it better.

Quality photos, knowing where to place the ads (and how to write them), pricing it correctly all mean you’re better set up to get a result and that’s before they take over all the hard yards of preparing for sale, inspections, haggling and getting the all important deposit.

It comes at a cost, of course – they have two options both involving a initial listing fee (no doubt some sort of a commitment  involved there so they aren’t wasting their time with unrealistic sellers) and % of the eventual sales price.  From their site:

  • Premium Package: $450 upfront and 4% commission
  • All Inclusive Package: $950 upfront and 6% commission

Clearly for a $10K runabout, this probably isn’t going to stack up – in fact they start at a market price of $50K. But if you’ve got a prestige car, it wouldn’t take much of an upside to more than pay for itself.

We’ve got no affiliation with Summon other than having spoken to them at length they seem the real deal.  Professional people, genuinely out there to make a different and try to help solve one of the car industry’s age-old problems and their reviews look pretty damn good too.  Drop a comment below if you give them a go, we’d love to know.