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Getting More Life out of your Car

Whether you’ve just picked up a brand new car, or you’re looking to preserve the resell value for a car that you may trade-in at some point in the future, it’s always wise to extend the life of your car.

However, with daily events that take place in our lives, this issue often falls behind more immediate and pressing matters. As the potential resell value on your car can have a notable impact on future financing options available, consider these five tips to extend the life of your car.



Maintain a regular service schedule

Your car should always be maintained in accordance with the service schedule prescribed by the manufacturer – typically, the earlier between every 10,000km or every 6 months. Some auto-makers have longer servicing intervals, which are effectively double those mentioned. Servicing your car at the appropriate intervals addresses standard maintenance issues concerning fluids and filters, which are swapped out.

Furthermore, it’s also a proactive measure to get on top of potential mechanical issues before they arise by identifying any concerns. Keeping a service logbook is also indicative to future buyers that you have maintained the car well, meaning you can preserve value.


Refrain from repeat, short trips

Although you may think that short trips don’t contribute much in the way of wear on an engine, it is the oil, ignition and muffler systems that come under particular stress from the higher incidence of ‘start ups’.

Make sure you change your oil more frequently if you perform lots of short trips. Ignition related wear arises from certain components being more relied upon when activated, while the muffler comes under wear when it doesn’t heat up enough to cause condensation to evaporate, which is a potential cause of rust.



Maintain adequate tyre pressure

It’s one thing to ensure that your wheels are aligned and rotated correctly, but if your tyres are not operating at an adequate pressure level, there may be an additional burden on the tyres themselves.

This means they are more likely to need earlier replacement. At the same time, you’ll also consume a larger level of fuel. It’s not only under-inflation you need to worry about – over-inflation can lead to a loss of grip on the road. Finally, make sure tread depth is within the parameters of the law.


Watch your brakes

One of the most critical systems of your car, the brake system extends beyond the pads to also include the rotors, callipers and sensors. Ensure that these parts are in good order, seeing as their wear, or failure, can increase the risk of an accident. Look for any signs of corrosion or rust, which may serve as early warning signs.


Make your next car electric

A growing number of motorists are opting for the next-gen format of vehicles, be it hybrid or fully-electric vehicles. While these cars are prone to repairs themselves, as you would expect from any car, the signs are certainly promising that electric vehicles will have a long life due to not being vulnerable to engine issues.

You can expect an EV to last as long as the battery does, and now there is a wealth of information suggesting this could be as long as your internal combustion car, if not much longer.